The National Narcotics Agency Annihilates Hundreds of Kilograms of Drug Narcotics Today

Indo Kanal. The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) will carry out the destruction of hundreds of kilograms of narcotics evidence planned for today, Monday (10/12), in the parking lot of the Cawang BNN Building, East Jakarta. This action is the 13th destruction throughout 2018.

"This is the 13th annihilation of narcotics in 2018," said BNN Chief of Public Relations Sr. Sulistiandriyatmoko in his written statement on Monday (10/12).

The number of bark that was destroyed this time included 48,928.16 grams of meth, 33,218 ecstasy grains, and 229,770.20 grams of marijuana. The bark that was destroyed was also confiscated in a case of an ambush in Aceh carried out by a joint team of BNN, Customs, and the Navy.

"In one of the ambushes in Aceh carried out by a joint team of BNN, Customs and the Navy, there was one suspect in the BU who was shot by the authorities for fighting. When the arrest was made, the person died while on the way to the hospital," Sulis said. .

The destruction of narcotics is carried out using a destructive car named boiler incinerator. Narcotics are destroyed by burning. Harmful Zar in drugs that have been burned in the destruction car will automatically disappear immediately.

Although there is also destruction which is done by changing the drug into a liquid form and the liquid does not contain dangerous ingredients. After it has turned into a harmless liquid, the liquid will be discharged into the septic tank specifically for the disposal of drug fluids.


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